As the title says, it's been a while. I can't actually remember why I abandoned this after the 500 words exercise back in 2017. Other than a bit of handwritten journalling, often when travelling, I've not been doing a whole lot of writing.

I was doing some housekeeping on the server which hosts this blog today and was reminded of it. I've given it a spring clean and who knows, this might be the start of something regular.

I'll perhaps write something about the pandemic later, but for the moment it's reasonable to say that we've been living quietly.

I've not been running or cycling much but I have been walking and managing to get in 10,000 steps every day for more than four months now.

I've gotten back into Duolingo and while I still feel I'm a long way from having an actual functional grasp of French I have been enjoying it and I do seem to be learning, albeit slowly.

I've also rekindled my interest in amateur radio over the last couple of years. During the first lockdown in 2020 I bought a Yaesu FT-818 HF radio and I've been enjoing the learning curve of what I can do with it.

Posted Sun Nov 14 02:06:38 2021 Tags: